With a sensible approach to tooth brushing and diet, children can develop a set of teeth free from dental disease and fillings.
Lindfield Family Dental pursue this aim with regular check ups to allow your children to feel confident and relaxed in the dental chair and be involved and interested in the health of their own teeth. By introducing healthy preventive dental techniques both in the practice and at home, we can help your children grow up with minimal cavities and fillings. We encourage you to bring along your children when you are having a checkup yourself, so they can see that visiting the dentist is just another part of taking care of your health.
Oral care for kids should begin when their first teeth begin to erupt, by gently brushing teeth and gums with a soft brush. Their first visit should take place when all of their deciduous (baby) teeth have broken through – usually around 24-36 months).
We make sure your child’s first visit to us is fun! A ride in our “special” chair, a balloon with funny faces, counting their teeth together, showing them the equipment we use all demystifies the process. This is usually enough for a first visit. Six months later we encourage you to bring your children back for a thorough examination and polish of their teeth. Regular visits from then on ensure the development of lifelong good dental habits.
If your children do eventually need some dental treatment, their familiarity with being in the chair means they can be helped through even quite complex treatment without discomfort.
The top tips for healthy teeth for children are:
- Drink plenty of water
- Encourage the consumption of cheese
- Introduce flossing as early as possible
- Brush with a soft, small headed brush
Esther is a frequent invited guest to local primary schools and pre-schools where she runs a Dental Awareness program for young children to ensure they feel relaxed, at home and comfortable when it’s their turn to visit the Dentist.